Ortiz: Illinois must continue to be a national leader and assist struggling families

State Rep. Aarón M. Ortíz, D-Chicago, releases statement after being sworn in for a second term, 102nd General Assembly, in Springfield on Wednesday.

January 13th, 2021

SPRINGFIELD, IL – The formation and timely approval of a fair state budget and redistricting process, and the passage of key bills will continue to be the legislative priorities for State Representative Aarón Ortíz who was sworn in to his second term in the 102nd General Assembly on Wednesday, Jan. 13th, at the BOS Center.

“Since taking this position my commitment has always been to serve my constituents and help make government work to improve their lives. Our circumstances have never been direr and it is our duty to look after those in need. I’m honored and humbled by my neighbors that have trusted me to continue working on behalf of their families. Despite the failures of the outgoing federal administration, we overcame 2020, but working families are still depending on us. More than ever we need Illinois to continue being a national leader and assist struggling families.”

“In these unprecedented times, our actions could signify life and death in our neighborhoods. We must take rapid action and move forward with the full support of our leadership and Governor Pritzker to increase access to healthcare, expand early childhood education, and continue to make Illinois a pioneer in immigrant rights. We have serious budget considerations and we must work together to create and approve one that works for the people of the state. This year we also have an important responsibility to draft and approve a redistricting process that honors the Voting Rights Act and guarantees a maximum representation of African-American and Latinx communities.”

“Together with community organizations, partners in labor and Democratic Leadership, we have made our state a national leader in passing landmark legislation. That unshakeable leadership has maintained a Democratic majority in Illinois for decades and a beacon of progressivism in the midwest. After careful consideration and conversations with organizations and other allies, I decided to support the candidacy of Emanuel “Chris” Welch for Speaker of the Illinois House. As the Representative of the 2nd largest immigrant constituency in Illinois, I recognize that Representative Welch has stood by the immigrant community during difficult times, including the budget impasse and through the Trump Administration; I stand with him.” 

The inaugural ceremony was held at the BOS Center where legislators are scheduled to hold a special session through this week. Due to the pandemic and to allow for social distancing, the start of the 102nd General Assembly was the first held outside of the Capitol Building. 

Ortíz, 29, is a former educator and former member of the Chicago Teachers Union, first elected to the Illinois House in 2018. He represents the 1st District, which stretches from Back of the Yards and Brighton Park to Garfield Ridge in Chicago, spanning south into Gage Park and Chicago Lawn.


El representante estatal Aarón M. Ortíz, demócrata de Chicago, publica una declaración después de prestar juramento para un segundo mandato, la 102ª Asamblea General, en Springfield el miércoles.

13 de enero de 2021

SPRINGFIELD, IL – La formación y aprobación de un presupuesto estatal justo y el proceso de redistribución de distritos, y la aprobación de proyectos de ley, seguirán siendo las prioridades legislativas del Representante Estatal Aarón Ortíz, quien juró su segundo mandato en la 102a Asamblea General el Miércoles 13 de enero en el BOS Center.

“Desde que asumí este cargo, mi compromiso siempre ha sido servir a mi comunidad y ayudar a que el gobierno trabaje para mejorar sus vidas. Nuestras circunstancias nunca han sido más severas y es nuestro deber cuidar a los necesitados. Me siento honrado por mis vecinos que han confiado en mí para seguir trabajando en nombre de sus familias. A pesar de los fracasos de la administración federal saliente, superamos el 2020, pero las familias trabajadoras todavía dependen de nosotros. Más que nunca necesitamos que Illinois continúe siendo un líder nacional y ayude a las familias con dificultades “.

“En estos tiempos sin precedentes, nuestras acciones podrían significar vida o muerte en nuestros vecindarios. Debemos tomar medidas rápidas y avanzar con el apoyo total de nuestro liderazgo y del gobernador Pritzker para aumentar el acceso a la atención médica, expandir la educación de la primera infancia y continuar haciendo de Illinois un pionero en los derechos de los inmigrantes. Tenemos serias consideraciones presupuestarias y debemos trabajar juntos para crear y aprobar uno que funcione para la gente del estado. Este año también tenemos la importante responsabilidad de aprobar un proceso de redistribución de distritos que respete la Ley de Derechos Electorales y garantice una representación máxima de las comunidades afroamericanas y latinas ”.

“Junto con las organizaciones comunitarias, los socios laborales y el liderazgo democrático, hemos convertido a nuestro estado en un líder nacional en la aprobación de legislación histórica. Ese liderazgo ha mantenido una mayoría demócrata en Illinois durante décadas y un faro de progresismo en el medio oeste. Después de una cuidadosa consideración y conversaciones con organizaciones y otros aliados, decidí apoyar la candidatura de Emanuel “Chris” Welch para presidente de la Cámara de Representantes de Illinois. Como Representante de el segundo mayor distrito de inmigrantes en Illinois, reconozco que el Representante Welch ha apoyado a la comunidad inmigrante durante tiempos difíciles, incluido y a través de la Administración Rauner y Trump; Yo estoy con él “.

La ceremonia inaugural se llevó a cabo en el BOS Center, donde los legisladores tienen programado realizar una sesión especial durante esta semana. Debido a la pandemia y para permitir el distanciamiento social, el inicio de la 102ª Asamblea General fue el primero que se llevó a cabo fuera del Capitolio.

Ortíz, de 29 años, es un ex consejero escolar y ex miembro del Sindicato de Maestros de Chicago, elegido por primera vez a la Cámara de Representantes de Illinois en el 2018. Representa el 1er Distrito, que se extiende desde Back of the Yards y Brighton Park hasta Garfield Ridge en Chicago, abarcando el sur en Gage Park y Chicago Lawn.


The Illinois Latino Caucus stands in firm support of COVID Emergency Housing legislation

 The Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus stands in solidarity and firm support of SB3066 HA-5, State Representative Delia Ramirez’s COVID Emergency Housing legislation to make sure that people at risk of eviction and foreclosure during the pandemic can stay in and keep their homes.

Communities across our state, and specifically communities of color, have suffered unprecedented health and economic hardship during the COVID pandemic. Hundreds of thousands across the state are currently at risk of homelessness, many of them in the Latino community and at the highest risks of contracting COVID.

SB 3066 HA 5 will give tenants and homeowners necessary relief by:

 creating eviction protections that include an extension of the Governor’s eviction moratorium, sealing of evictions during the COVID emergency period, and protections for those attempting to make partial payments despite economic hardship

 legislating clear guidelines for the federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program that ensure the most in need, including the undocumented, will be able to access relief funds

Stopping residential foreclosures though May 2021

We call on our colleagues in the General Assembly to join us in supporting this critical legislation during this lame-duck session to prevent an eviction and foreclosure crisis that will devastate communities across our state and push families into homelessness.

Illinois EPA Invests Over $80.9 Million in Water Projects, including projects in the 1st District


Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
1021 North Grand Avenue East, P.O. Box 19276
Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276
Phone: 217/782-3397

November 9, 2020

Illinois EPA Invests Over $80.9 Million in Wastewater and Drinking Water Projects in First Quarter of FY21

$3.77 Million in Principal Forgiveness Granted to Loan Recipients

SPRINGFIELD – In the first quarter of Fiscal Year 2021 (July – September), the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency issued more than $80 million in State Revolving Fund loans to local governments and sanitary districts. Over $3 million of those loan recipients qualify for principal forgiveness, providing additional benefits to the recipients. These low-interest loans are made possible through Illinois EPA’s State Revolving Fund, which provides funding for wastewater, stormwater, and drinking water projects.

“Illinois EPA continues our commitment to provide needed financial assistance to communities and water utilities to repair and improve outdated or irreparable infrastructure,” said Director John Kim. “We are also seeing greater interest in lead service line replacement projects, and we encourage communities to take advantage of the increased available funding.”

Two of the first quarter loans were approved for Lead Service Line replacement projects. Those loans will help the affected communities reduce exposure to lead in drinking water. Both recipients qualified for 100% principal forgiveness.

Illinois EPA’s State Revolving Fund includes two loan programs, the Water Pollution Control Loan Program (WPCLP) which funds both wastewater and stormwater projects, and the Public Water Supply Loan Program (PWSLP) for drinking water projects. Illinois EPA’s State Revolving Fund receives federal capitalization funding annually, which is combined with state matching funds, interest earnings, repayment money, and the sale of bonds, to form the source of financing for these infrastructure projects. The state matching funds for FY2020-2024 are being provided through Governor Pritzker’s bipartisan Rebuild Illinois Capital Plan thus increasing the funding capacity of both loan programs.

A complete list of FY21 first quarter loan recipients is attached. A list of approved FY21 Loan Recipients is available at:  https://www2.illinois.gov/epa/topics/grants-loans/state-revolving-fund/Documents/FY21SRFLoans.pdf.  For more information about Illinois EPA’s State Revolving Fund, visit https://www2.illinois.gov/epa/topics/grants-loans/state-revolving-fund/Pages/default.aspx.

July – September 2020 LoansDescriptionLoan AmountPrincipal Forgiveness
City of Assumption Christian CountyThe City will install a system for nitrate removal, a phosphate feed system, replace all active water meters, and replace undersized water main.$877,249.03$877,249.03*
City of Chicago Cook CountyPart of a multi-year sewer rehabilitation program, the City will install 19,800 lineal feet of sewer main throughout the City.$15,206,871.93 
City of Chicago Cook CountyPart of a multi-year sewer rehabilitation, the City will line 250,000 lineal feet of sewers with cured-in-place resin.$54,100,000.00 
Village of Bensenville DuPage & Cook CountiesFunds will be used to replace the existing White Pines Area water distribution system.$6,489,349.29$400,000.00
Village of Bensenville DuPage & Cook CountiesThe Village will replace approximately 40 lead service lines in the White Pines area.$559,000.78$559,000.78
North Shore Water Reclamation District Lake CountyThe District will add a thermal oil heater to the sludge recycling facility.$1,789,110.00 
City of Abingdon Knox CountyThe City will replace lead service lines at ~550 residences.$1,936,714.00$1,936,714.00
TOTALS $80,958,295.00$3,772,963.81

Latino Caucus: We Will Get Through This Together | Caucus Latino: Superaremos Esto Juntos

CHICAGO – The Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus released the following statement amid Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s “stay at home” order, urging local families to contact their constituent service offices via phone or email in order to continue connecting them to resources, as well as to follow the recommendations of medical experts. 

“It it is on every one of us to continue following the advice of medical experts and community leaders to ensure the well-being of our communities. The number of new cases has to be slowed down, so that our local hospitals and health care workers have the capacity and the resources to care for those who are sick. Now more than ever, we must support each other and ensure nobody is left behind. Immigrant families must know that they are not alone and that we are fighting for them just like everyone else.

“The governor’s ‘stay at home’ order is based on the best recommendations of medical professionals to ‘reduce the curve’ and save lives, and we must all take it seriously. While we should all take steps to remain inside as much as possible, essential services will continue. We can continue to get groceries, medicine, gas and other essentials. We can continue to exercise outdoors in keeping with social distancing practices. We should continue to care for and check in on loved ones.

“A lot of misinformation is being spread on the internet, so we must stay vigilant. We encourage local families to continue contacting our offices via phone or email. It is our priority to ensure our community is informed on the actual work that is being done to address this public health crisis. Whether you are small business owner, a Dreamer, a single parent or senior we are here to support you and connect you to whatever resources you may need. We will get through this together.”

Local families with questions about COVID-19 may also call the Illinois Department of Public Health’s hotline at 1-800-889-3931 or email dph.sick@illinois.gov. For more information regarding unemployment benefits, people may contact the Illinois Department of Employment at 1-800-244-5631 or visit www2.illinois.gov/ides.    


CHICAGO – En medio de la orden de ‘permanecer en casa’ del Gobernador J.B. Pritzker, el Caucus Legislativo Latino de Illinois publico la siguiente declaración de prensa cual urge a las familias locales a que contacten a sus oficinas de servicios al contituyente por teléfono o correo electrónico para poder seguir conectandolos con recursos, y también que sigan los consejos de los expertos médicos.

“Es la responsabilidad de cada uno de nosotros a seguir los consejos de los expertos médicos y líderes locales para asegurar el bienestar de nuestras comunidades. La cantidad de casos nuevos debe ser reducido para que nuestros hospitales locales y trabajadores de salud tenga la capacidad y los recursos para atender a los enfermos. Ahora más que nunca, tenemos que apoyarnos y asegurar que nadie sea olvidado. Las familias inmigrantes tienen que saber que no están solas y que estamos luchando por ellos como todos los demás.

“La orden de ‘permanecer en casa’ del gobernador esta basada en las mejores recomendaciones de profesionales médicos para ‘reducir la curva’ y salvar vidas, así que la tenemos que tomar en serio. Aunque todos debemos tomar medidas para permanecer en casa lo más posible, los servicios esenciales continuarán. Podemos seguir comprando alimentos, medicina, gasolina y otras necesidades. Podemos seguir haciendo ejercicio afuera de acurdo a los consejos de mantener distancia social. Y podemos seguir cuidando a nuestros seres queridos.

“Mucha información falsa se está distribuyendo en el internet así que tenemos que estar en alerta. Urjamos a las familias locales a que sigan contactando a nuestras oficina por teléfono o correo electrónico. Nuestra prioridad es asegurar que nuestra comunidad esté informada sobre el trabajo que se está haciendo para resolver esta crisis de salud pública. Sea un dueño de negocio local, un Dreamer, una madre soltera o un anciano, sepa que estamos aquí para ayudarle y conectarlo con cualquier recurso que necesite. Superaremos esto juntos.”

Familias locales con preguntas sobre el virus COVID-19 pueden llamar la linea del Departamento de Salud Pública de Illinois al 1-800-889-3931 o por correo electrónico a dph.sick@illinois.gov. Para más información sobre los benificios de desempleo, individuos pueden comunicarse con el Departamento de Seguridad de Empleo de Illinois (IDES) al 1-800-244-5631o visite www2.illinois.gov/ides.