COVID-19 Vaccine Appointment Request Form

Do you live on the southwest side of Chicago? Zip codes- 60629, 60632, or 60623 or 60638

Are you interested in receiving the COVID-19 vaccine this Friday (4/2)? 

If so, complete the form below to be registered.  

If you have any questions, please contact our office at: (773) 236-0117

¿Vive en el suroeste de la ciudad de Chicago? En los códigos postales 60629, 60632, 60623 o 60638

¿Le gustaría registrarse para obtener la vacuna contra el COVID-19? 

Complete el formulario a continuación para registrarlo para recibir la vacuna este viernes (2 de abril). 

Si tiene alguna pregunta, favor de llamar a nuestra oficina al: (773) 236-0117

State Rep. Aarón Ortíz elected House Chair of the Illinois Latinx Caucus

February 8th, 2021

CHICAGO –Newly appointed Democratic Caucus Whip and 1st District State Rep. Aarón Ortíz, D-Chicago, was unanimously elected as the new House Chair of the Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus (ILLC). Historic achievements on behalf of the Latinx communities in Chicago and a growing reputation as a coalition builder with other caucuses in Springfield, Rep. Ortíz is indicative of the new generation of Latinx leaders all across the State of Illinois.

“I’m honored to have been elected by my colleagues to lead our Latino Caucus. As the son of immigrants and State Representative of one of the most Latinx districts in the State of Illinois, I understand the importance of representation. My call to service was to empower and advocate for my community, and that’s what I intend to carry out in my added capacity. Latinx communities make up about 33% of the population in Illinois, but only 9 out of 118 (8%) members of the Illinois House of Representatives are Latinx.”

Ortiz has set out his top six priorities for the Caucus which include:

  1. Promote a comprehensive legislative agenda that is inclusive of the diverse needs of our districts
  2. Solidify strong relationships built on trust with other legislative caucuses in Illinois
  3. Support and empower the work of Caucus members in Springfield and in their communities
  4. Work towards a budget that is inclusive of institutions that serve the Latinx community
  5. Approve a map that honors the Voting Rights Act -maximizes representation of communities of color
  6. Establish a robust constituent program to make State services more accessible to Latinx constituents

“Since 2002 the ILLC has worked tirelessly to improve the lives of the more than 2+ Million Latinx residents living in Illinois. Our caucus has worked together to lead important projects and achieve many legislative victories on behalf of the immigrant and Latinx communities across the State. It is imperative that Illinois continue leading the way for other states with regard to the rights of immigrants and other issues of vital importance to the growing Latinx population in Illinois. I look forward to working alongside Co-Chairs Senator Castro and Senator Villa, as well as the Chairs of other caucuses to ensure that we improve the lives of working families all across the State.”


El representante estatal Aarón Ortíz elegido presidente de la Cámara de Representantes del Caucus Latino de Illinois

8 de febrero de 2021

CHICAGO – Recién nombrado Líder del Caucus Demócrata y Representante Estatal del 1er Distrito, Aarón Ortíz, D-Chicago, fue elegido como el nuevo Presidente del Caucus Legislativo Latino de Illinois (ILLC) de la Cámara de Representantes. Los logros históricos en nombre de las comunidades latinas en Chicago y una trayectoria como constructor de coaliciones con otros miembros en Springfield, Rep. Ortíz, son indicativos de la nueva generación de líderes latinos en todo el estado de Illinois.

“Me siento honrado de haber sido elegido por mis compañeros para dirigir nuestro Caucus Latino. Como hijo de inmigrantes y Representante Estatal de uno de los distritos más latinos del Estado de Illinois, entiendo la importancia de la representación. Mi llamado a El servicio fue empoderar y defender a mi comunidad, y eso es lo que tengo la intención de llevar a cabo en mi capacidad adicional. Las comunidades latinas constituyen aproximadamente el 33% de la población en Illinois, pero solo 9 de 118 (8%) miembros de la Camara de Representantes son  de origen latino.”

Ortiz ha establecido sus seis prioridades para el Caucus, que incluyen:

  1. Promover una agenda legislativa integral que incluya las diversas necesidades de nuestros distritos.
  2. Solidificar relaciones sólidas basadas en la confianza con otros caucus legislativos en Illinois
  3. Apoyar y empoderar el trabajo de los miembros del Caucus en Springfield y en sus comunidades.
  4. Trabajar hacia un presupuesto que incluya a las instituciones que sirven a la comunidad Latina
  5. Aprobar un mapa que respete la Ley de Derechos Electorales: maximiza la representación de las comunidades de color
  6. Establecer un programa de constituyentes para hacer que los servicios estatales sean más accesibles para los electores latinos

“Desde el 2002, ILLC ha trabajado para mejorar las vidas de los más de 2 millones de residentes latinos que viven en Illinois. Nuestro grupo ha trabajado en conjunto para liderar proyectos importantes y lograr muchas victorias legislativas en nombre de las comunidades de inmigrantes y latina en todo el estado. Es imperativo que Illinois continúe liderando el camino para otros estados con respecto a los derechos de los inmigrantes y otros asuntos de vital importancia para la creciente población latina en Illinois y todo Estados Unidos. Espero trabajar junto a las presidentas del Caucus Latino del Senado, Cristina Castro y Karina Villa, y los presidentes de los otros caucus para asegurar que mejoremos la vida de las familias trabajadoras en todo el estado.”

Rep. Aarón Ortíz Named to House Democratic Leadership Team

Speaker Welch Announces Appointments to House Democratic Leadership Team

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch announced the members of his House Democratic leadership team Thursday, including state Reps. Jehan Gordon-Booth, Robyn Gabel, Jaime M. Andrade, Jr., and Jay Hoffman.

Welch released the following statement:
“As we begin a new day in the House, I’m committed to assembling a Democratic leadership team that values those things that have made our caucus so successful while also pursuing needed changes to strengthen our caucus, our House, and our state. Throughout their careers, Reps. Gordon-Booth, Gabel, Andrade, and Hoffman have all brought leadership, integrity, and unique perspectives to our chamber. They have spoken passionately for their communities and also extended their hands to their colleagues in compromise. I look forward to working closely with them, and with all members of this chamber, to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities of this moment.”

The following can be attributed to state Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth, D-Peoria, who will serve as deputy majority leader and speaker pro-tempore:

“As Speaker Welch begins a historic speakership, I’m proud to be a part of a leadership team that recognizes that the diversity of our caucus is our strength. Last week, Democrats stood together to move forward on landmark legislation advancing justice for all – something that required each of us to think beyond our own experience and listen to one another. While there is a lot of work ahead, we will continue to work together in this way to
build a stronger Illinois.”

The following can be attributed to state Rep. Robyn Gabel, D-Evanston, who will serve as assistant majority leader:
“Speaker Welch has called on every member of this House to work together to meet the challenges of this moment. We come to the table prepared to advocate for the critical services families and small businesses need to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, smart budget solutions that invest in our future, the health of our families, our environmental resources, strong schools, and a strong economy.”

The following can be attributed to state Rep. Jaime M. Andrade, Jr., D-Chicago, who will serve as assistant majority leader:
“This leadership team reflects the diversity and geography of our state, and we share a commitment to doing what is right for every part of Illinois. The challenges ahead of us are clear, but Speaker Welch has made it clear this is no time to hide from these challenges – it’s time to confront them head-on and work together to strengthen our state.”

The following can be attributed to state Rep. Jay Hoffman, D-Swansea, who will serve as assistant majority leader:
“The work ahead of our state is so critical. We are tasked with bringing Illinois through an unprecedented pandemic, repairing the budgetary damage that crisis has created, and building a stronger, more just state. Democrats stand united with Speaker Welch in this effort. We’re enthused by this new moment and remain committed to continuing our work for a stronger middle class, an economy that works for everyone, and a better Illinois for

Welch’s full leadership team will consist of: 

State Rep. Greg Harris – Majority Leader, State Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth – Deputy Majority Leader / Speaker Pro-Tempore
State Rep. Mary E. Flowers – Deputy Majority Leader and Dean of the Caucus
State Rep. Jaime M. Andrade, Jr. – Assistant Majority Leader State Rep. Robyn Gabel – Assistant Majority Leader State Rep. Elizabeth Hernandez – Assistant Majority Leader State Rep. Jay Hoffman – Assistant Majority Leader State Rep. Natalie Manley – Assistant Majority Leader State Rep. Marcus C. Evans, Jr. – Assistant Majority Leader State Rep. Delia Ramirez – Assistant Majority Leader State Rep. Carol Ammons – Democratic Conference Chair

In addition to these leadership posts, Welch has tapped leaders within each caucus of the House Democratic delegation to serve as a caucus whips. These members will be empowered to rally the various caucuses around legislation and issues of importance to the entire Democratic Caucus. This team will be: 

State Rep. Aaron Ortiz – Latinx Caucus Whip
State Rep. Kam Buckner – Black Caucus Whip
State Rep. Theresa Mah – Asian Caucus Whip
State Rep. Larry Walsh, Jr. – Downstate Caucus Whip
State Rep. Deb Conroy – Women’s Caucus Whip

State Rep. Will Guzzardi – Progressive Caucus Whip

The following can be attributed to Rep. Aaron Ortiz, D-Chicago, who will serve as Latinx Caucus Whip.

“Honored to be selected to serve in the Democratic leadership team. Thankful to Speaker Welch for granting me this opportunity to serve the state of Illinois as one of the Democratic Caucus Whips. I remain committed more than ever to serving the great State of Illinois in my new capacity. Now more than ever we need to work together to pass meaningful legislation that can help working families overcome the effects of the ongoing pandemic.”

Welch and his full leadership team are preparing new changes to the House rules, based on input from both sides of the aisle.

Gage Park Bungalow District added to the National Register of Historic Places

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) today announced 12 Illinois sites were added to the National Register of Historic Places during 2020, including one National Historic Landmark.  

“Thanks to the advocacy and support of historic preservationists from throughout the state, and thanks to the work of our staff at the IDNR State Historic Preservation Office, these additions to the National Register help tell the story of Illinois,” said IDNR Director Colleen Callahan.  

The places recognized are located across Illinois and include a 150-year old farmstead, the home of the Chicago Cubs, and four historic districts that, when combined, include more than 700 significant properties.

National Register places are added to the register by the National Park Service based on recommendations from the State Historic Preservation Office.

The National Register of Historic Places is the official list of properties that merit special attention and preservation. Every county in Illinois has at least one property or historic district listed in the National Register. Together, they represent a cross section of the Prairie State’s history from its early settlement to the mid-20th century.

In general, properties must be more than 50 years old to be eligible for the National Register. A listing places no obligations on private property owners but does make properties eligible for some financial incentives.

The 2020 Illinois additions to the National Register are listed below:


Gage Park Bungalow Historic District, Cook County, Chicago

Listed March 13, 2020 

During the first three decades of the 20th century, Chicago’s population doubled as an additional 1.5 million residents settled into the city. During this same period, tens of thousands of one-and-one-half story brick bungalows were built in the city’s outlying neighborhoods. Built together, many times in entire blocks to form a veritable belt around the center city, the unprecedented form of the Chicago bungalow created an entirely novel form of Chicago urbanism.  In 2004, a thematic study establishing the significance of Chicago bungalows was approved by the National Park Service.  Since then, 13 bungalow historic districts in Chicago have been listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The most recent, the Gage Park Bungalow Historic District, is located on the southwest side of Chicago, approximately seven miles from the city’s commercial center. Brick Chicago bungalows form the bulk of the district, which was largely developed between 1924 and 1927. Neighborhoods like Gage Park offered working class families the opportunity to own solid, thoughtfully designed homes and build communities within a quiet residential setting. Gage Park was an opportunity for bungalow architects and developers to promote the attributes of the functioning, well-built, yet affordable Chicago bungalow. While there was a wide range of architects, developers, builders, and ethnicities contributing to the tapestry of Gage Park, the steady, rhythmic streetscapes create a strong and consistent architectural fabric in the community.  

Wrigley Field, Cook County, Chicago

Listed September 23, 2020

Wrigley Field was listed as a National Historic Landmark as one of Major League Baseball’s most venerable structures and the country’s oldest extant National League ballpark.  Built in 1914 as Weeghman Park, this ivy-studded baseball park has been home of the Chicago Cubs since 1916. Located on the city’s North Side, the park was renamed Wrigley Field in 1926 for William Wrigley Jr., who purchased the Cubs in 1921.  The baseball park is also significant in the history of professional football as the longtime playing field for the Chicago Bears. Wrigley Field is associated with Dizzy Dean, Gabby Hartnett, Babe Ruth, Ernie Banks and dozens of other baseball stars, and is also the site of Red Grange’s first professional football game, owner-coach George Halas on the sideline, the T-formation heroics of Sid Luckman, and other events associated with the Bears.  

National Historic Landmarks are historic places that hold national significance and are automatically listed in the National Register of Historic Places.  Both programs are administered by the National Park Service, but while any place meeting appropriate criteria can be listed to the National Register through state preservation offices, only National Historic Landmarks are designated directly by the National Park Service.  

Chicago Golf Club, DuPage County, Wheaton

Listed May 29, 2020

Chicago Golf Club in Wheaton is known for having the first 18-hole golf course in the United States and one of the first championship caliber courses in the country.  As one of the five founding member clubs of the United States Golf Association (USGA), it hosted many of the early amateur and professional golf tournaments in the U.S. Chicago Golf Club, which is nationally significant for its course’s design, was first laid out in its current location by Charles Blair MacDonald, the father of American golf architecture. The course was redesigned by his protégé (and master designer in his own right) Seth Raynor in 1921-1923. Raynor utilized the same design forms and intent that he and MacDonald had established building other courses in the east when they effectively initiated golf course architecture as an art form in the U.S. The club is also recognized for its ongoing association with the sport of golf in the community and for its architecture. Notable buildings on the property include the clubhouse and lounge designed by Chicago architect Jarvis Hunt, nephew of Richard Morris Hunt.

Colby-Petersen Farm, McHenry County, McHenry

Listed March 13, 2020

The Colby-Petersen Farmstead, located just northwest of McHenry, is significant as a good architectural representation of farm buildings from the 19th and early 20th centuries. The farmhouse, built in the 1850s, is one of the oldest surviving Greek Revival structures in the township and has maintained much of its original features. The vernacular-designed oak barns and outbuildings, including two Douglas fir stave silos, are surviving representatives of late-19th and early-20th century construction techniques of Midwest farming communities.   The Farmstead was occupied by its original builders and direct descendants throughout most of its 150-year history. Since its designation as a City of McHenry Historic Landmark in 1998, the farmstead has been used to educate visitors on Illinois agricultural history.


Champaign Downtown Commercial District, Champaign County, Champaign

Listed January 24, 2020 

The Champaign Downtown Commercial District (CDCD) is significant for its history and its architecture.  The city’s history begins with the arrival of the Illinois Central Railroad (ICRR) in 1854. Originally there were agriculture dealers and grain elevators, greenhouses, and lumberyards – an assortment of businesses catering to the developing agriculture and construction of the area. As the population rapidly increased, entertainment venues, boarding options and retail spaces emerged. Active building occurred in the area for over a century, with brick buildings eventually replacing the early wood-frame structures. In addition to this being the earliest business district, it has also continually served as the home of Champaign’s city government. The buildings found within the district boundaries represent good local examples of a number of architectural styles popular from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century.  Together these buildings relay the story of the changing architectural styles for commercial and public buildings from the mid-19th to the mid-20th century.

Glenwood School, Iroquois County, Cissna Park

Listed May 29, 2020 

Glenwood School in rural Iroquois County near Cissna Park was listed in the National Register for possessing the qualities typical of one-room schoolhouses.  Around the time the school was built, there were nine public country schools in the township. Today, Glenwood School is the only known schoolhouse remaining.  Exterior defining characteristics of Glenwood School include a rectangular floor plane, symmetrical fenestration, low-pitched gabled roof, vestibule, and an entrance on the short side of the building facing the road. On the interior, the building’s open floor plan, plaster walls, wood wainscoting, teacher’s platform and chalkboards are still intact. 

Tiedemann House, St. Clair County, O’Fallon

Listed May 29, 2020 

The Tiedemann House in O’Fallon is significant for its representation of Italianate and Queen Anne architecture. Original homeowner Ernst Tiedemann, a German immigrant, took up permanent residence in O’Fallon in 1865.  He opened the town’s largest general store and also served three terms as president of the town’s Board of Trustees. Tiedemann hired St. Louis architect Henry Peipers, also from Germany, to design his home, which was built in 1884.   One of the key characteristics of the Italianate style is its use of the segmental arch, visible in this house over the windows, and in the decorative wooden arches between the porch columns. The porch colonnade and the house’s overall L-shaped plan are also characteristic of the style. The Queen Anne influences are found in the gabled dormer windows, the jigsaw-cut balusters on the front porch and balcony, the complex rooflines, and the etched glass on the front doors. 

Dr. Arthur Allen Home, Crawford County, Robinson

Listed December 31, 2020 

The Dr. Arthur Allen Home, commonly known as Allenhurst, is significant as a good representation of Tudor Revival architecture.  The two-and-one-half story house, located on the north edge of Robinson, was built by prominent local residents Dr. Arthur Woodson Allen and his wife Annie in 1936. The steeply pitched roof with cross gables, tall narrow windows and massive chimneys are common characteristics of the style.  The exterior also displays sandstone cladding with limestone trim and false buttresses.  The interior features include vaulted wooden beams, original wood paneling and trim, and tile floors, radiators, and bookcases. 

Arsenal Courts Historic District, Rock Island County, Rock Island

Listed January 24, 2020 

Constructed on about 19 acres of land, Arsenal Courts (1940-1941) in Rock Island was one of the earliest housing projects in Illinois funded and built through the Federal Works Agency, United States Housing Authority for the purpose of creating – on an emergency basis – new housing units at below market rates exclusively for workers employed in support of the U.S. military and its allies just prior to the start of World War II.  In this instance, one or more persons living in each Arsenal Courts unit was employed at the Rock Island Arsenal, located just two miles away from the apartment complex.  During World War II, the Rock Island Arsenal was one of the country’s largest arsenals, as well as a manufacturer of munitions and military equipment.  

Downtown Rock Island Historic District, Rock Island County, Rock Island

Listed March 13, 2020 

Encompassing 155 years of history and development, the Downtown Rock Island Historic District (DRIHD) is significant as the center of government, society, and local community culture for the City of Rock Island since its founding in 1841.  The District is also important for its collection of 19th and 20th century architecture, which features a variety of styles including Italianate, Classical Revival, Italian Renaissance, Beaux-Arts, Art Deco, Mid-Century Modern, Gothic Revival, International, and Brutalism.

Rockford Woman’s Club, Winnebago County, Rockford

Listed December 31, 2020 

Built in 1918, this building has been home to the Rockford Woman’s Club – a social organization dedicated to philanthropy and the promotion of civic and cultural improvement in the city of Rockford. Since its creation in 1897, the organization has been instrumental in championing the arts, providing educational opportunities, and addressing a variety of important social issues. The building, consisting of a clubhouse, restaurant and theatre, has functioned as an ideal location for the organization’s work and has served as a community anchor in the areas of education, entertainment, recreation and social reform. Today, the club continues to be dedicated to the betterment of the Rockford community and is still housed at this location.

Henson House, Douglas County, Villa Grove

Listed December 31, 2020 

The Henson House is significant for its history and its architecture. Original owner George Warren Henson (1821-1881) was a prominent landowner in Douglas County, and it was on property purchased by the railroad from his family that the community of Villa Grove was founded in 1887.  Prior to this, the Henson House was the only residence in the area, and as this stately residence was surrounded by well-maintained grounds and outbuildings, the farmstead was known as “the villa in the grove.”    The property is a successful combination of primarily Italianate, Classical Revival, and Arts and Crafts elements.  Though some features of the property can be assigned to the 1920s and 1930s, the most prominent and significant aspects of the property span the period between 1871 and 1913.

(Media note:  Photos of the sites are available upon request)